Here you’ll learn about how gambling can impact a mortgage application, how much gambling mortgage lenders typically consider problematic, and what to do if you’ve been rejected for a mortgage because of high gambling transactions.
How does gambling affect a mortgage application?
A history of gambling can sometimes have a major impact on a mortgage application. Mortgage lenders have strict eligibility criteria and they will be wary of applications where even a sporadic history of betting or other forms of gambling are detected, especially if you’ve lost a significant amount of money through it.
A select number of mortgage lenders may be willing to overlook gambling depending on the following…
- How high their appetite for risk is
- How often you’re gambling
- How much money you spend on it
- The amount of winnings/losses you make
- How recent the gambling transactions are
- The type of gambling you take part in
- Whether you have bad credit as well
So, it is possible, potentially, to get a mortgage if gambling appears on your bank statements, and it’s even possible to declare gambling winnings on a mortgage application as income with a small minority of mortgage lenders.
Get expert advice if…
- You’ve already had a mortgage application declined
- You have gambling transactions on any of your last 3 months of bank statements
- You gamble for more than £200 a month or you spend more than 10% of your monthly income on gambling
- You regularly gamble on more then 2 platforms (eg: you have multiple betting accounts)
If any of the above apply to you, it’s important to speak to an expert broker before submitting an application.
If you feel your gambling habit is purely recreational and doesn’t go outside the boundaries outlined above then finding the right lender is critical. This is where a broker comes in – a mortgage advisor who specialises in mortgages for gamblers can make sure you find the ideal lender, first time.
Get advice from a gambling mortgage expert
Maximise your chance of approval with a dedicated specialist broker
How much gambling is too much?
The answer to this varies from lender to lender depending on their appetite for risk. If the gambling transactions are recurrent, some mortgage providers will factor them in during the affordability assessment and make a decision based on the amount you spend on betting relative to your income and other fixed financial commitments.
While there are lenders who are happy to overlook frequent gambling if it’s well managed and within the borrower’s means, others assess applications where there’s recurrent betting on a case-by-case basis. This often means they will request extra underwriter scrutiny to establish the full risk of lending to somebody who gambles on a regular basis.
Understand your level of risk
Use our tool below to see if your monthly gambling will be deemed too high for lenders.
Gambling to Income Ratio Calculator
If gambling transactions appear on your bank statements, this calculator tool will tell you whether most mortgage providers will consider you a low, medium or high risk borrower. The results are based on the percentage of your income you spend on gambling.
Your Gambling to Income Ratio is %
Great! The amount of money you spend on gambling is likely to be considered low risk by most mortgage lenders. This means lenders could be happy to overlook it or it will have little-to-no impact on your eligibility or creditworthiness. However, some more strict lenders will never accept applications that include gambling regardless of the amount, so it’s still a good idea to get expert advice from a broker beforehand to ensure you avoid applying with these lenders.
The amount you spend on gambling might be a red flag to some mortgage lenders, but thankfully not all. They might factor your betting into their affordability assessment, offer you an unfavourable deal or decline you entirely. It could go either way depending on the lender. Applying through a mortgage broker is recommended to ensure you only apply with lenders that are more lenient on gambling increasing your chance of approval. Get expert advice today.
The amount you spend on gambling each month will be classed as high by most mortgage lenders. The risk of rejection or having to settle for a bad deal are high. But don’t worry...we work with expert brokers who specialise in finding mortgages for people that gamble and know exactly which lenders may be an option, and which are a no go. Get expert advice today.
*This calculator is a guide. Each lender will have varying criteria and will depend on the frequency, amount and type of gambling.
What do mortgage lenders class as ‘gambling’?
Mortgage lenders in the UK treat the following as forms of gambling…
- Casino games and slot machines (including online)
- Online betting sites
- Betting through a bookmaker
- Lotteries
- Bingo
- Scratchcards
Most mortgage lenders will take the same stance on any form of legal gambling if it’s frequent or accounts for a lot of your disposable income, but how frequent and how much is too much would usually be determined on a case-by-case basis.
What to do if you’ve already been declined for a mortgage because of gambling
Mortgage lenders are known to decline applications where the borrower has a history of gambling. This is usually because they believe the transactions are too frequent, the losses too heavy or the amount that’s being spent on gambling is too high.
If you’ve been declined for a mortgage because of gambling, here are the steps to take…
- Remember, it’s not the end of the road: It’s understandable to be disappointed and frustrated, but keep in mind that there are other mortgage lenders who will consider your application, so it may be possible to get approved elsewhere.
- Resist the temptation to re-apply straight away: Many people make this mistake. They rush straight to another lender in search of a different outcome, but another rejection could have a serious impact on your credit report. Professional advice is essential if you’ve been declined once already.
- Let us match you with the right broker: Our free broker-matching service can handpick a mortgage advisor who specialises in arranging finance for people with a history of gambling. They know exactly which lenders are willing to overlook gambling transactions and can help you get your mortgage back on track.
How to get a mortgage if you’re a professional gambler
It’s possible to get a mortgage based on gambling income, but you’ll need to fit well within the parameters of general eligibility criteria – such as having a clean credit record and a large deposit – since most mortgage lenders would treat an application under these circumstances as high risk. Gambling income is often volatile, so it’s easy to see where lender concerns stem from.
Those with a successful track record of earning money regularly and an upward trend of betting income are much more likely to be deemed a safe bet by mortgage lenders and have this income considered for mortgage purposes.
Here is the criteria lenders use to assess mortgage applications for professional gamblers:
- Income stability / betting behaviour / habits
Consistent income. Most lenders like to see a steady profit from gambling if it’s your main source of income.
- Track record
Having a long-term track record of making a full-time wage from gambling will boost your chance of getting a mortgage based on your winnings.
- Type of gambling
Types of gambling where there is some form of skill involved – such as Blackjack, Baccarat or horse racing (if you’re an owner/trainer or regular backer) – are often looked on more favourably than luck-based gambling such as the lottery.
- Gambling income ratio
This refers to the size of your typical betting stake relative to the amount of money you have. For example, if you regularly place £1,000 bets but have hundreds of thousands in your bank account, this is unlikely to cause concern.
In addition to the criteria lenders have for your gambling income, you will also need to meet their general criteria for creditworthiness. The stronger your application, the more likely the lender is to overlook any potential risk posed by the way you make your money. You can read about the general eligibility criteria in our mortgage applications guide.
Speak to an expert about mortgages and gambling
If you’re applying for a mortgage with a history of gambling or have been rejected for one on these grounds, seeking professional advice is absolutely vital.
Approaching the right mortgage lender, one with a high enough appetite for risk to approve you despite your betting history could be the difference between success and failure.
We offer a free broker-matching service that can boost your chances of approval. It will match you with a handpicked expert who regularly helps people get a mortgage with gambling on their bank statements, from those who bet recreationally to pro gamblers.
Call 0808 189 2301 or make an enquiry and we’ll match you with a mortgage broker who specialises in securing mortgages for gamblers today.
Get help for gambling addiction
If you feel that your gambling habit is spiraling out of control all is not lost and there is help available through the NHS.
Get advice from a gambling mortgage expert
Maximise your chance of approval with a dedicated specialist broker
Lenders are always assessing risk and the probability of any applicant not repaying the loans they take and consider numerous factors when establishing eligibility. Credit history, affordability, and loan to value ratios (LTV) are among the biggest indicators of risk, and others feature to a greater or lesser degree depending on which lender you approach.
Like someone who moves addresses frequently, has used payday loans, or perhaps has just started a new job, gambling transactions can indicate that someone has potentially higher risk than someone who doesn’t gamble at all.
Since the Mortgage Market Review (MMR) changes came into play, lenders have been handed greater responsibility for ensuring all borrowers can afford the mortgages they lend, which has significantly increased the scrutiny of applicants’ bank statements.
As a result, many more borrowers are questioned about transactions on their accounts, especially gambling on bank statements and things that would have otherwise gone unnoticed are being brought to light – gambling transactions being a good example of this.
Yes, most lenders will treat it the same as gambling at a casino or bookmakers but online betting will only be a cause for concern if the lender thinks you do it to excess or have a track record of losing a significant amount of money. Each lender will have their own criteria on what counts as “excessive”, so it’s a good idea to use a mortgage broker if you have a pattern of online gambling transactions in your financial history.
They will be able to match you with a mortgage lender with a high enough appetite for risk to potentially overlook your betting activity.
Yes, all mortgage lenders will typically ask to see your last three months of bank statements as part of the application process. Any excessive payments to gambling companies will be identified at this point.
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About the author
Pete, an expert in all things mortgages, cut his teeth right in the middle of the credit crunch. With plenty of people needing help and few mortgage providers lending, Pete found great success in going the extra mile to find mortgages for people whom many others considered lost causes. The experience he gained, coupled with his love of helping people reach their goals, led him to establish Online Mortgage Advisor, with one clear vision – to help as many customers as possible get the right advice, regardless of need or background.
Pete’s presence in the industry as the ‘go-to’ for specialist finance continues to grow, and he is regularly cited in and writes for both local and national press, as well as trade publications, with a regular column in Mortgage Introducer and being the exclusive mortgage expert for LOVEMoney. Pete also writes for Online Mortgage Advisor of course!
Pete Mugleston
Mortgage Advisor, MD